Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Since my last post the Occupy movement was born and is now starting to grow up.   It seems as if I wasn't the only one thinking about walls.  I'm very proud to be apart of Occupy Jacksonville.  Yes even here in conservative Jacksonville, Fl we occupy.  Rain or Shine, Day and Night we will be in front of City Hall downtown Jacksonville until (904) is fixed.  After holding weekly meetings each Saturday starting October 8th we voted to start occupying 24/7 on November 5th and have ever since. 

At OccupyJax we are unable to sleep or have tents, so we take turns with day and night crews.  No worries this is not about tents or sleeping Occupy is an Idea and that is why we are here. It has been a challenge to say the least but I find myself inspired by my new friends.  These are the bravest lovely people that I have ever known.  This has been a movement of love and peace and community!  We don't know you but we love you all!

Some of the pictures are done with my phone some with my F3 on film.  I regret not taking more pictures now that I have found some time to think and blog.  I've been using my eyes instead.  I plan on bring my camera out more often in the future.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Walls and Fences

On the past few walk-a-bouts the plants finding their way over and through walls and fences captured my attention. If given the chance these plants would tear them down. Of course this got me thinking about my own invisible walls and barriers I put up around my own life. I thought about the areas in my walls that nature is trying to break through and tear down. I know some of my walls are necessary but others... not so much.

Why hold back that smile or complement? I'd rather be a comma then a full stop.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Into the Light

Armed with a roll of Kodak T-Max 400, I ventured out on a few walk-a-bouts. It was my first time shooting with black and white since a photography class in high school. High school was a long time ago so let us just say this was my first roll of black and white. I stepped way outside of my comfort zone, into the unknown, with this roll and why not? What is the fun in doing the same thing over and over?

At any rate, I love the way the light is larger than life in these photos. It comes across natural and true.  The light is overwhelming and almost too much to bear. I thought about the "Allegory of the Cave" and how at first it hurts to step out into unknown. It is often the unknown that we fear and avoid, but it is often in the unknown that we find something spectacular.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Not sure who started the tradition of spring cleaning but as I was re-arranging my home over the weekend I decided to burn some White Sage. Native Americans used sage ritually to purify and balance an environment. They used it ceremonially to "clear a space" during major life changes such a move to a new home. I love the way it smells and sometimes use it simply as an incense.

As I re-arranged and moved furniture I couldn't help but come across things that I needed to throw away. I found many old relics and reminders of past relationships and previous life chapters that are no longer necessary. It hurt a little parting with these items from yesterday's history, but I realized I was creating space for the new chapter. I then decided to take the "Sage Approach" and "cleanse" my space. A new outlook started to emerge and before I was finished my entire home took on a new look and feel.

You cannot fill what is already full. Sometimes our lives need a good cleansing. Whether it is a new attitude or a new home, I encourage you to let go of the past and make space for the new. In doing so, you might discover something you never could have imagined.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beyond Coincidence

wilB:  I spent last Saturday getting my first tattoo at Autograph Tattoo by an extremely gifted artist, Thor Robbins. I chose to get a Hawk feather - a symbol that means so much to me on many different levels. Mostly, it is a symbol of my absolute love for all things nature. It's is also a symbol of the struggles during the past 10 years and how I've been able to rise and sore into the sunrise of freedom. The actual feather that inspired this tattoo is a Hawk feather that my best friend and brother Ken gave to me as a gift a few years ago. You can see it hanging on the light post being used as a reference. After about two hours the tattoo was done. I checked my phone and found a text from Ken with a picture of a hawk feather.  The message said, "Dude: it's a sign.. I just found this today!!!"  How amazing is that? Turns out he found three that same afternoon.  Coincidence? I don't think so...

Mourning Crow:  Last Saturday my friend, brother and spiritual counselor set out on a journey of self-expression by getting his first tattoo.  He chose a single Cooper's hawk feather that symbolizes a lot to him personally.  Hawk feathers are typically hard to come by.  They're not easy to find and a good one (not weathered or torn) can be a rare find.  I wanted to be present for my friend's tattoo session but was unable due to parenting constraints. As I walked outside (self-loathing in my parental constraints) I looked down and there on the ground... a perfect Cooper's Hawk feather exactly like the one Wil was getting tattooed on his arm at that very moment in time.

          Obviously, I was taken back. I took a picture and immediately sent it to Wil. Later in the day I happened across two more Cooper's hawk feathers and forwarded them to Wil! What a rare find on such a symbolic day.  I took it as a sign of approval on my friend's tattoo.  These feathers hold a deep symbolic and personal meaning to both of us. To find multiple perfect feathers of the same kind, while my friend is getting specifically that same tattoo... Well, that my friend is beyond coincidence.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Took the long way home


Took the long way home and I stopped to smell the flowers.

Friday, June 3, 2011


A few months back I watched Ken plant a small garden in his yard. It has been a pleasure watching this little patch of earth come to life. Last week the first few cucumbers were ready for the picking. He sent me home with one of the most spectacular little guys. Somehow the conditions were just right and it grew into a circle. He will be sending me home with some tomatoes soon.

This weekend I hope to:
-see a movie
-catch a sunrise at the beach
-hit up the Art Market (I'm all out of honey.)
-catch some sun by the pool
-maybe even a sunset at the beach, with an Ice Cream Sunday. Yes, that sounds lovely!

Whatever your plans this weekend I hope you enjoy.  I made this mix for you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dancing between the shadows

Ever had one of those weeks? Pressed somewhere between a rock and a harder place. Faced to make decisions that you don't want to make. Chosen by fate to be that piece of the puzzle? We've all been there. From the dissapointments as children, to the break-ups of adolescense. Some of us, I'm sure, have been faced with even harder decisions.

In the midst of all that "decision making".. Remember, that some things you cannot change. Some decisions are not ours to make. Sometimes even our involvement, although well meant and heart-felt, only makes matters worse.
With situations and circumstances like that we have to learn to simply let go. Trust, Believe, Hope that... "Every little thing is going to be alright."

Sometimes the Light dances between the shadows... and we don't have to do anything to make it happen...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'll use my eyes instead

Last Saturday before leaving for a sunset walk along the beach I was asked.. "Wil, aren't you going to bring your camera?" I said "No, I'll use my eyes instead." It's a line from a song called Cameras by Matt & Kim.  During the past two weeks that's precisely what I did - I used my eyes instead...

It's good to put the camera down and really take in what's around you. Instead of worrying about F-stops and shutter speeds; I was able to take in the views and enjoy the company of my friends. Saying those words... "I'll use my eyes instead" (out-loud) made me miss the click of my camera. A click that captures the memories we share. 

Sometimes, we have to take in what's around us without looking through a lens. Be it the camera or the pen, the keyboard or the guitar.. it's about balance between passion and necessity. 

*The first two photos are from May 1st and the last two are from May 15th - same roll of film.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Over my vacation my best-friend and brother Ken introduced me to a well kept secret oasis right in the middle of the University of North Florida Campus. The university host a preserve of about 300 acres of natural habitat differing dramatically from Sandhills, Scrub Oaks, Upland Pine Forrest to even a Cypress Swamp.  Like children we explored a small section of the 5 mile trail system stopping here and there to take in the views and absorb natures best.

Walking along we could not help but appreciate the foresight and planning that went into this place. Land that could have been developed and sold for millions was set aside for the birds, deer, rabbits and squirrels.  Remembering that we are but stewards of this planet really brought things into perspective and an old Indian proverb came to mind... "We do not inherit the earth from our forefathers instead we borrow it from our children."

We are part of a great whole and "preservation and conservation" only ensures that our children will not lack the natural resources and beauty that makes this planet so amazing.  You may not "own" thousands of acres but we all can implement small changes and "conserve" a little for our children's sake.  As nature works together to create its own habitat so we must co-exist and work together to be part of that "whole" that we were intended to be.  Small changes echo out like ripples in water and grow exponentially.  What can you do in your corner of the world to make that change happen? Whether it's raising awareness or picking up a piece of trash we can all work together to conserve our planet's resources. I can imagine everyone pitching in just a little and changing the worlds environmental condition for the better and our children's tomorrow. We should all start pitching in today for a better tomorrow.

*The last picture was taken by Ken.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

On the Edge in a Tidal Saltmarsh

Some random shots from this past Sunday's adventure in the woods. These are also from my first full day without a cigarette. Today is the fourth and I feel great. If I had known how easy it really is to quit I would have done it a long time ago. The cravings are now at a minimum and I find that a piece of gum is enough to take the edge off.  

That was not the case while I took these pictures. At times during this adventure the cravings grew so strong I thought they would kill me. It helped to be so far from anywhere that sells cigarettes. This kind of change is hard but it's worth it. I'm done with smoking and will never have to feel that kind of painful withdrawal again.  Once is enough. You can call me a non-smoker now!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Green Returns to the Marshes

While it was low tide I took an early Sunday Morning stroll along a familiar oyster reef at the Guana State Preserve. I had some time alone and was again lost in my thoughts. Nature has always had a way of allowing my thoughts to multiply and then settle into resolution. I find that my biggest life decisions can usually be made with the help of "nature's wipers."

At first glance the marshes looked brown and dead; but then slowly I spotted the new life. Green grasses with fresh life sprouting up everywhere. The death of Winter is subtly being replaced with the new life of Spring. Soon these new sprouts will be taller and stronger than the brown carried over from the winter season.

Change is in the air everywhere. I thought about the different stages of change in my own life. Changes over the past year and changes that still have yet to be made. Some changes are brought on naturally others must be "self-initiated." We see the brown left over from our winter seasons and initiate new growth. Sometimes these changes happen slowly over time but sometimes we have to go after them fiercely, initiating our own Spring.

Opportunities for change and improvement are all around us. We see the brown and come to the realization that it is dead. There is no use holding onto it for it is not alive anymore. Change, uncomfortable as it may be, is necessary in our lives. We do not have to settle with our circumstances. We can change them.

Are there any brown spots in your heart that can use a little green sprout? I know that I found a few in my own and I must say... a new fresh perspective and a little self-initiated change can lead to an abundance of happiness. Identify, initiate, and then watch your life sprout forward with the green grass of change. It is yours for the taking.

I made a mix for you.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Look up it's alright

I'm back from a vacation. I spent my time looking up. Here is a song by Death Cab For Cutie that I just can't stop playing.