Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Not sure who started the tradition of spring cleaning but as I was re-arranging my home over the weekend I decided to burn some White Sage. Native Americans used sage ritually to purify and balance an environment. They used it ceremonially to "clear a space" during major life changes such a move to a new home. I love the way it smells and sometimes use it simply as an incense.

As I re-arranged and moved furniture I couldn't help but come across things that I needed to throw away. I found many old relics and reminders of past relationships and previous life chapters that are no longer necessary. It hurt a little parting with these items from yesterday's history, but I realized I was creating space for the new chapter. I then decided to take the "Sage Approach" and "cleanse" my space. A new outlook started to emerge and before I was finished my entire home took on a new look and feel.

You cannot fill what is already full. Sometimes our lives need a good cleansing. Whether it is a new attitude or a new home, I encourage you to let go of the past and make space for the new. In doing so, you might discover something you never could have imagined.