Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Not sure who started the tradition of spring cleaning but as I was re-arranging my home over the weekend I decided to burn some White Sage. Native Americans used sage ritually to purify and balance an environment. They used it ceremonially to "clear a space" during major life changes such a move to a new home. I love the way it smells and sometimes use it simply as an incense.

As I re-arranged and moved furniture I couldn't help but come across things that I needed to throw away. I found many old relics and reminders of past relationships and previous life chapters that are no longer necessary. It hurt a little parting with these items from yesterday's history, but I realized I was creating space for the new chapter. I then decided to take the "Sage Approach" and "cleanse" my space. A new outlook started to emerge and before I was finished my entire home took on a new look and feel.

You cannot fill what is already full. Sometimes our lives need a good cleansing. Whether it is a new attitude or a new home, I encourage you to let go of the past and make space for the new. In doing so, you might discover something you never could have imagined.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beyond Coincidence

wilB:  I spent last Saturday getting my first tattoo at Autograph Tattoo by an extremely gifted artist, Thor Robbins. I chose to get a Hawk feather - a symbol that means so much to me on many different levels. Mostly, it is a symbol of my absolute love for all things nature. It's is also a symbol of the struggles during the past 10 years and how I've been able to rise and sore into the sunrise of freedom. The actual feather that inspired this tattoo is a Hawk feather that my best friend and brother Ken gave to me as a gift a few years ago. You can see it hanging on the light post being used as a reference. After about two hours the tattoo was done. I checked my phone and found a text from Ken with a picture of a hawk feather.  The message said, "Dude: it's a sign.. I just found this today!!!"  How amazing is that? Turns out he found three that same afternoon.  Coincidence? I don't think so...

Mourning Crow:  Last Saturday my friend, brother and spiritual counselor set out on a journey of self-expression by getting his first tattoo.  He chose a single Cooper's hawk feather that symbolizes a lot to him personally.  Hawk feathers are typically hard to come by.  They're not easy to find and a good one (not weathered or torn) can be a rare find.  I wanted to be present for my friend's tattoo session but was unable due to parenting constraints. As I walked outside (self-loathing in my parental constraints) I looked down and there on the ground... a perfect Cooper's Hawk feather exactly like the one Wil was getting tattooed on his arm at that very moment in time.

          Obviously, I was taken back. I took a picture and immediately sent it to Wil. Later in the day I happened across two more Cooper's hawk feathers and forwarded them to Wil! What a rare find on such a symbolic day.  I took it as a sign of approval on my friend's tattoo.  These feathers hold a deep symbolic and personal meaning to both of us. To find multiple perfect feathers of the same kind, while my friend is getting specifically that same tattoo... Well, that my friend is beyond coincidence.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Took the long way home


Took the long way home and I stopped to smell the flowers.

Friday, June 3, 2011


A few months back I watched Ken plant a small garden in his yard. It has been a pleasure watching this little patch of earth come to life. Last week the first few cucumbers were ready for the picking. He sent me home with one of the most spectacular little guys. Somehow the conditions were just right and it grew into a circle. He will be sending me home with some tomatoes soon.

This weekend I hope to:
-see a movie
-catch a sunrise at the beach
-hit up the Art Market (I'm all out of honey.)
-catch some sun by the pool
-maybe even a sunset at the beach, with an Ice Cream Sunday. Yes, that sounds lovely!

Whatever your plans this weekend I hope you enjoy.  I made this mix for you.